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SNECI at KBEE 2011

SNECI at KBEE 2011

His Excellency the Ambassador of Korea in France, Mr. Heung Shin PARK and Mrs. Isabelle BAILLY









The Korean Brand & Entertainment Exposition (KBEE 2011), an event dedicated to the French-Korean economic players, was held in Paris on December 2nd, 2011 by the Korean Ministry of Economy and Knowledge and KOTRA (Korea Trade and Investment Agency).

This event allowed for the discovery of different cultural and economic aspects of South Korea. In less than 50 years, South Korea has experienced remarkable economic growth and has become one of the key players in the global economy. It is a leader in consumer electronics and in the automotive and steel industries.

SNECI, with offices in Korea and France, advises several Korean companies for their development in Europe, as well as western companies for their development in Korea.

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