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SNECI reorganizes the Purchasing and Supply Chain Head Office of an automotive supplier

SNECI Restructures Purchasing and Supply Chain Head Office

SNECI restructures and reorganizes Purchasing and Supply Chain Head Office of a strongly growing automotive supplier located with its production sites in 7 countries in Europe, Asia and the Americas. Objective of the project is to pass from a centralized and local organization to a structured and global management of purchasing and supply chain.

SNECI, an operational consulting company specialized in supply chain and change management, has led the project through 3 phases with support of its quality, purchasing, supply chain and product development specialists.

During the initial audit SNECI has analyzed current processes in order to identify improvement opportunities and elaborate recommendations for a Purchasing and Supply Chain Head Office. This has allowed the SNECI team to realize considerable profits and to achieve rapidly quick savings showing the interest of this approach. In parallel, distribution and provisioning schemes have been reviewed and Lean experts joined the team.

For more information, please contact our Business Unit Purchasing and Supply Chain.

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