Order Scheduler

Description de l'offre


Depuis sa création en 1952, SNECI, PME familiale avec une dimension internationale, est reconnue pour son expertise internationale dans l’Amélioration de la Performance Industrielle et Commerciale.

Grâce à nos équipes composées de 450 experts de 20 nationalités et nos 10 filiales, nous proposons des solutions clé en main à plus de 400 clients industriels au niveau mondial.

Dans le cadre du développement de nos activités, nous recherchons un(e) Order Scheduler (H/F), poste à pourvoir dès que possible dans le cadre d'un contrat CDI.


Finalité du poste :

  • Ø  Contribute to the daily order releasing defined in the Master Production Plan respecting both commercial and industrial constraints

    Ø  Order planning handling for each carline/cluster of carlines.

    Ø  Preparation for the transition to the new order planning system (OSS).

    Ø  Analysis and identification of pain points for order planning. Implementation and follow-up of actions to solve hard points.

    Ø  Animation of carlines/cluster of carlines together with commercial community (country and central suppliers) and the industrial community (constraints and industrial resources).

    Ø  Change management and operational technical support during the deployment of new systems.

  • Description of DELIVERABLES progress indicators :

     Ø  An update on the progress of the deliverables is made by the EXECUTION MANAGER to the PROJECT MANAGER, during meetings whose rhythm or dates are set jointly by them on the proposal of the EXECUTION MANAGER.

    Ø  A steering committee will examine production indicators, billing trends and possible operational issues. This organization is the responsibility of the SERVICE PROVIDER.




  • Proficiency in “Office” automation tools, mainly Excel

  • Between 2 & 3 years of experience in automotive

  • Have an advanced English level - Fluency in English, Bright Test B2 level.

  • High comprehension and learning speed


Niveau d'expérience



Maroc (MEA)

Postuler Maintenant

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    Nom & Prénom *

    Adresse e-mail *

    CV *

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    Lettre de motivation *

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