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Kindness Advent Calendar for Christmas

Kindness Advent Calendar For Christmas

The Christmas spirit is everywhere at SNECI.

This December, at SNECI, we have set up a kindness advent calendar to celebrate this month of festivity.

This allows us, given the last two complicated years with the COVID19 crisis, to mobilise ourselves to put kindness back at the heart of relations at work.

Kindness at work is often criticised in professional life. Indeed, because it starts from a kindly background, it is caricatured as a “world of yes-men” or a “world of carefree people”.

Of course, implementing a caring approach requires sincere kindness.

Moreover, according to the latest Cadremploi/Ifop study, kindness contributes to the “Great Place to Work” and to a good atmosphere at work, which improves the quality of professional life.

To the question, how can we adopt a kindness attitude in the company? The answer is simple, just be kind and caring towards your colleagues. This attitude should be reciprocal and concern all employees in a company, whether you are a manager or not.

This advent calendar gives you a few keys to showing kindness both at work and elsewhere.


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