Project launch challenges – How SNECI can assist you
Getting a new project for a company is always positive news yet it always represents a challenge for a production site to successfully realize the new project. The plant needs to prepare the serial production with respects to space, know-how, technology, supply chain, resources, quality…
New project launch is a one shot action in serial production. It is however a very important phase as the factory is raising a new challenge outside their comfort zone – represented by already set and running serial production projects. These challenges can be listed shortly as following:
- Production space
- Necessary specific OEM requirements knowledge
- Adopted internal resources with dedicated know-how to launch the project
- Time constraint
- Suppliers
- Budget
The plant runs its daily tasks and production. Current teams ensure their daily tasks and know perfectly what needs to be done. During the project launch companies usually take one of the teams to be responsible for it. Unfortunately, this person is taken from activities which worked perfectly and suddenly this person is missing in the process. On top of it, the selected person may not have the habit to launch new projects as it is a one shot activity for the plant.
SNECI already provides support to many companies. We ensure the management of suppliers dedicated for your new project and our launch manager experts run daily activities on your site to ensure project launch with success, allowing you to fully focus on your ongoing projects.