SNECI CEE introduces a new service: company culture diagnosis
When a supplier faces a complex business expansion, for example, a production of new parts for a client with high requirements, like in automotive or pharmaceutical, it is essential to assess the supplier’s management team on the ability to cope with arising challenges and demands.
A major part of the assessment is a company culture diagnosis. This includes, but is not limited to, analysis of interpersonal relations, communications, weaknesses and strengths of a top and middle management. Although not that obvious at the first glance, these aspects are the key to an outstanding realization of a business plan and a complete fulfillment of a corporate vision.
This June, SNECI CEE has successfully completed its first project on a company culture diagnosis. It included four main phases: diagnosis & action plan guidance, training module design and training sessions, training with case studies and tools creation, and pilot workshops and coaching of cross-work groups.
During the phase A, we conduct an initial diagnosis, using a personalized questionnaire, based on the information provided by our client.
Initial diagnosis focuses on:
- Assessment of basic relationships in top-management and middle management;
- Assessment of the functionality of the established organizational structure;
- Company climate assessment;
- Assessment of the functionality of the business environment.
A personalized questionnaire addresses such topics as integrated management system, corporate culture, middle management assessment, critical situation solving, weaknesses and strengths of different departments, and desired changes.
In phases B, C, and D, we build and implement a specific for each client development program, based on the results from the phase A. The development program consists of workshops, case studies, training modules, and coaching.
Company culture diagnosis is only one of the many services SNECI provides to its clients. Today, our highly qualified team with 65 years of expertise in the commercial development and industrial performance supports and trains over 220 clients worldwide.