SNECI introduces NSA audit and QSB+ coaching in Slovak and Czech
PSA Group uses QIP (Quality Industrial Performance) as a benchmark to assess the industrial performance of its current or future suppliers. This framework combines three types of audits (NSA, PCPA, and QSB +), each corresponding to a different phase of the production life cycle.
NSA, short for New Supplier Assessment, is an audit of new production locations. It is indeed the very first and compulsory step in becoming a PSA supplier. NSA evaluates the manufacturing maturity level of the supplier and its operational capability to launch new projects. Only a service provider licensed by PSA can perform this audit that lasts for 1,5 to 2 days.
The PCPA process audit is performed during the industrialization phase to confirm the qualification status of the supplier.
Last but not least, QSB+ (Quality Standard Basics) is a structural audit conducted throughout the mass production phase. It assesses the supplier’s manufacturing system by a successful implementation of QSB+ key elements and has a great influence on the suppliers’ Bid List.
SNECI is a PSA’s certified partner for NSA audits. Since 2015, eight qualified NSA auditors have conducted more than 170 assessments in France, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Morocco, Central and Eastern Europe, and China.
Moreover, we have supported hundreds of automotive suppliers during their preparation for QSB+ certification audits worldwide. Indeed, QIP PSA Standards: NSA, PCPA, QSB+ Audits Preparation, is one of our most popular training courses. It is aimed at those who wish to assimilate and implement a structured approach, organize and perform audits of production processes.
Today, to meet the growing demand in Central Europe, our local teams perform NSA audits and QSB+ coaching in multiple languages, including Slovak and Czech.
“SNECI is not a standard services company for the automotive industry. We go beyond what is expected and provide personalized operational support to our clients,” says Jozef Lajda, Director of SNECI Central & Eastern Europe. “We know that entering a new carmaker could be challenging. We believe that by providing necessary training in the local language of a supplier, we can better coach our clients on the specific requirements of PSA that greatly facilitate their preparation for NSA and QSB+ audits.”