Skills management: the key to better prepare for the future.
Structural, technological and environmental challenges, train your teams for the industry of tomorrow!
32 modules available in 14 languages.
Details of the service
Unique Training & Coaching offer in B2B with 9 areas of expertise :
- Automotive Fundamentals,
- Customer Specific Requirements – CSR,
- Quality & Standards tools,
- Production & Lean Manufacturing,
- Purchasing & Shortage Management,
- Logistics Standards & Tools,
- Personal & Managerial Skills
- Technical skills
- Automotive Safety
Theoretical concepts with practical case studies
Sessions on SNECI’s offices, on your sites or online (see conditions).
Standard or customized modules from 1 to 4 days
- QUALIOPI certification – training organization n° 11 92 18 377 92
- CPF, OPCO or FNE financing possible
- Training available in 14 different languages
- Local SNECI accredited trainers, industry professionals
- Accredited training in partnership with STELLANTIS, FIEV, SIA and GALIA / ODETTE
- ISO 9001:2015 certification
Trainings and coachings available for people with disabilities
During our first contacts, we offer you a time of discussion in order to take into account the specificities of your handicap and to determine the possible adaptations or measures to be put in place.
Our disability advisor is available to answer all your questions: