Safety of the intended functionality (SOTIF)

Training offered by our partners - KM03 - Inter/Intra
SOTIF helps you estimate whether the intended function of an application may present potential hazards. So it is not just about protecting systems from malfunctions, which is the original protection goal of functional safety. This new area requires a different approach towards analysing systems. This training course introduces you to the subject matter of the PAS 21448 standard and suitable procedures. As such, it offers fast-track training and practical examples to understand how to apply the new methods.

This training is conducted in partnership with Kugler Maag.

2 days

    Content of training:

    DAY 1

    Introduction to the Theor

    • What does SOTIF actually mean?
    • Challenges posed by ADAS systems
    • Definitions and terminology
    • The approach at a glance
    • The approach step by step
    • Ways to manage self-learning AI algorithms in a simulation environment

    DAY 2

    Workshops based on examples from practice

    • Definition and validation of an acceptable number of false alarms
    • Validation of SOTIF systems
    • Verification and validation of detection systems
    • Different ways to identify potential scenarios of inappropriate use


    SOTIF (PAS 21448) looks at the specific nature or focus of functions. Until now, ISO 26262 has only looked at ways to avoid malfunctions, an approach that will no longer be sufficient with the kind of advanced driver assistance technology used in autonomous driving systems. SOTIF lays down a method for assessing the intended function of a system, also supplying an appendix of guidelines and examples of suitable procedures.

    Training is offered on-site or remotely via the Teams application.

    Intended audience

    Engineers familiar with safety-relevant electronic ADAS systems destined to be used in autonomous vehicles, e.g. safety engineers, systems engineers.

    Objectives and results

    Developing advanced driving assistance systems (ADAS) used for autonomous driving is a highly complex process, and a significant number of intended functions have to be evaluated. This is addressed by PAS 21448:2019. This standard provides you with an evaluation framework for spotting and estimating potential hazards to road users resulting from the intended functions of your systems.


    • A general understanding of ISO 26262
    • An understanding of autonomous driving, advanced automation or intelligent assistance systems (ADAS)
    • A solid grasp of technical English (course materials in English)

    Your trainer

    Training dates

    • 09/10/2023

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