SNECI RUSS joined the “North-Western Car Industry” Automotive Cluster
On November, 21st 2017, SNECI RUSS has signed an agreement to participate in the industrial activities of the “North-Western Car Industry” Automotive Cluster. The Government of the Russian Federation supports this cluster.
The objectives of this cluster are: participation in the development of a common position on key areas of Automotive Industry, support of cluster member’s projects, development of industrial and technological infrastructures, localization and development of investment projects of the Automotive Industry Enterprises, localization and development of suppliers and ensure communication of the participants with regional clusters and international markets.
The “North-Western Car Industry” Automotive Cluster (Union) actively cooperates with the assembly plants of St. Petersburg and Leningrad region to deepen the knowledge of existing enterprises localization and their best suppliers.
SNECI RUSS together with cluster Union “North-Western Car Industry” will continue to develop suppliers and work to increase level of local integration of car manufactures of the Nord-West region (Nissan, Toyota, Hyundai).
December 5, 2017 SNECI RUSS took part in the session of the industrial cluster “North-Western Car Industry”. Main topics of the session were the Development of Electric transports and the charging infrastructure, Supplier development, industrial and technological infrastructure, and a special attention was paid to the effective organization of foreign economic activity and international cooperation.
By joining this industrial cluster, SNECI opens up new prospects for the joint development of suppliers for the Automotive Industry in Russia.